Be everywhere. Publish your podcast to Spotify
Get your episodes in the hands of your listeners at the click of a button. Publish your podcast to all the popular podcast directories. With Katapod, your new episodes will be available as soon as you publish.
Reach over 500 million listeners by having your podcast available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music, Google Podcasts, YouTube, Player FM, and many more.

Manage your podcasts with ease
With our comprehensive dashboard have complete control over your podcast. Updates to your episodes happen in real-time so you can keep your listeners up to date with the latest changes. With unlimited storage and unmetered bandwidth, there's no limit to your creativity. Why stop at just one podcast? With Katapod, you can make as many as you want!

Total Freedom
Only you know what's best for your podcast! With Katapod, you can choose what parts of our platform you want to use. If you like the look of our management system but want to host your audio elsewhere, you can! If you want to use your own analytics platform and do everything else with Katapod, you can! With our open API and 3rd party integrations, the possibilities are endless!
Switching is as simple as
Identify your show and we'll import all the episodes and information from wherever it is!
Tell your old provider to redirect to your new Katapod feed and keep all your listeners!
Upload new episodes straight to Katapod and manage your existing ones on our dashboard!